How to Play
A quick unconfusing crash course in role playing through message board
An overview of the Final Fantasy 8 world
Gotta have rules, I'm not too strict!
join up
This is it! Destiny is calling you!
Miss somthing? Nit-pik info
The Gaurdian Forces
A comprehensive (I think) list of Gaurdian forces and where to get them
The RPG Board (A)
This is RPG A, if your name is on the list here, you can play
The RPG Board (B)
This is RPG B, if you have joined and were instucted to play on board B, play here
Free For All RPG
Here's a present!! Any members can do whatever they want on this board!!
Fan Fiction
This is my fan fiction site. If you like to write, go here!
I hope this section has more than just the stuff I drew soon!
This is my ever-growing stash of midis and MP3s. Ejoy, and look for much more soon!